Saturday, May 25, 2019

Chapter 31-Triplets at Last!

We open this update with Raven using some young again potion on Lulu.  We plan to keep our little puppy with us for as long as we can and maybe someday we will let her have some puppies after we are finished with raising 100 babies.

Raven went into labor while Mac was at work and Simon didn't show up either but Raven doesn't need any help as she has been through this plenty of times already.  This time she gave birth to the first set of triplets.

I tried to get a picture of Raven taking the babies out of the basket and this is the best one I was able to take.  Ok now for babies #42, 43 and 44.

#42 Owen Swift-Slob and Virtuoso (Warlock)

#43 and first girl baby in Barnacle Bay Evelyn Swift-Loves the Cold and Eccentric (Witch)

#44 Ethan Swift-Easily Impressed and Heavy Sleeper (Human)

While taking care of triplets I forgot to throw a birthday party for Oscar and Felix so the game is giving them a birthday party.  Felix is aging up first.

Felix Ivanov-Adventurous, Ambitious, Athletic and Slob  (Warlock)

Oscar Ivanov-Couch Potato, Dog Person, Friendly and Grumpy (Warlock)

Some things never change.

Time for Birthdays and this time I remembered to throw a party.  Ethan goes first this time.

Ethan Swift-Easily Impressed, Heavy Sleeper and Inappropriate (Human)

Evelyn Swift-Loves the Cold and Eccentric (Witch)

Owen Swift-Slob and Virtuoso (Warlock)

Author's Note-After I started this chapter I was busy with real life and I lost the pictures that will bring us to the next chapter.  We didn't lose much time but both Felix and Oscar learned how to drive and they are ready to age up into adults in 2 days.  The triplets also have all their skills and will also age up in 2 days so we have quite a few birthdays coming up.  I also found Raven pregnant when I opened the file too so this is where we will pick up.  We missed some but not much.